Monday, October 28, 2019

Week of October 21

This week we went to Homeschool Day at the Monterey Aquarium. It was a gorgeous day in Monterey! 

We also:
-checked out loads of books at the library
- played at the park
- played several matches of Sleeping Queens
- learned grammar through Mad Libs
- Tommy & Ben went on a bike ride across town for ice cream and watched a movie with their friend
- spent a whole day playing Monopoly
- Lucy learned about Ben Franklin and the printing press
- spent 35 hours playing outside

 Poppy drew a chicken using a Draw-Write-Now book. 

The kids asked to take our piano outside for the day. 

 Beach Day Friday! It was one of those perfect beach trips that the kids will remember for years to come. They made habitats for the crabs and sea stars they collected. The kids bonded with new friends over their tide pool creatures. I shared their delight as they watched a purple sea urchin’s tentacles extend to move itself around. They climbed rocks and jumped in the ocean. My friends held my baby while I got a cat nap. It was such a good day! We spent seven hours at the beach. It was a beautiful, wonderful day!

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