Thursday, March 5, 2015

Our Month of February

I love my homeschool support group. We have a Mom's Night Out once a month that I've been attending since my kids were too young to homeschool. Every time I go I get at least one nugget of encouragement that helps me be a better mom or home(un)schooler. February's MNO was about field trip ideas. While there were many great field trips ideas exchanged, I expressed frustration because it's so hard to go to cool places on my own with toddlers. A veteran mom of 5 basically told me that I just have to suck it up and get these kids out of the house (her version was much nicer, but that was the basic message!) 

So I decided that right then and there I would go on fun adventures as much as I possibly could. I mean, isn't that one of the big reasons why I'm homeschooling to begin with? So we don't have to be tied to a desk and can get out and see the world? We live in such an amazingly beautiful area that it seems like a crime not to get out as much as possible and see everything it has to offer. 

This month we read a lot of good books. We made a lot of good food. And we had lots of fun adventures. (And we did a tiny bit of schoolwork.)

At Big Basin Redwoods State Park with friends. This was my first solo adventure with all four kids. Adventures are more fun with friends!

Quiet time with Geo-puzzles and tea. 

 My second solo adventure with all 4 kids, only this time it was really and truly solo, since I went alone. At a beach in Pacific Grove. The weather was so beautiful it's hard to believe that it was snowing in most of the rest of the country.

 One of my favorite library books for this month, Rosie Revere, Engineer. I love reading books with the kids about people trying hard and not giving up.

An adventure closer to home, Anderson Lake County Park. We stayed until the babies couldn't keep their eyes open any more, and explored all we could.

We found a newt at Sanborn Park

Daddy pile-on!

Our go-to nature place is Coyote Creek Trail. There is always so much to explore no matter how many times we come here.

I will never ever grow tired of seeing my kids read together, and to each other.  

I started doing nature study again this month. I had tried it in the past, but he boys were completely uninterested. Now they are loving it.

Spontaneous kitchen costume dance party!

Field trip with our homeschool group to Natural Bridges tide pools. We saw so many interesting creatures, but the one that interested the kids most was this sea lion pup that had unfortunately washed up on the rocks. Later we found an article online that said that there is an influx of dying sea lion pups because of the rising temp of the ocean water driving their food away.