Sunday, November 16, 2014

Our Month of October

The theme for October was stop-motion animation. During a trip to The Exploratorium early in the month, the boys used an interactive stop-motion animation exhibit. They were totally enthralled with it. When we got home Mark researched iPhone apps and found one that was easy enough for the boys to use. They spent hours and hours making stop-motion movies with their Legos. Here's some of their movies:

We made caramel apples

We spent the day at Anderson Park

Ben drew some cool pictures

We went apple picking with friends

Tommy designed a baby walker by repurposing an Ikea kids'  stool

We sat on the roof and watched a really cool sunset. 

Not pictured: 
Lots of outside play
Playdates with friends
Watched movies featuring stop-motion animation, like Nightmare Before Christmas, Coraline, and Paranorman
Lots of reading aloud and audio books