Saturday, September 6, 2014

First Day of (Un)School

School started for us this past week, on September 1st.

Yes, I know we're unschoolers, and we should be learning year round, not be beholden to any schedule, and all that goodness. But I crave structure, so for my mental well-being, we are still going by a loose interpretation of the school calendar. I plan to use the same school schedule we've been using thus far, which is to school from Sept through November, take off the month of December, and then school January through May. 

This past summer we had a lot of fun. But for me, the fun is more fun when I know there is some structure just round the corner. Actually, not much is changing- I'm just adding in a bit of math and handwriting and the boys are continuing with piano and taekwondo. The difference between this year and the past years is that now I'm prepared to throw out even that little bit of schoolwork if I see it's interfering with the boys' free time or with our relationship. I don't see that happening though.

In their back-to-school gift boxes they each received a Mad Libs Junior book. It has been the best thing ever! They spent the rest of the day filling in all the spaces and reading their stories out loud to each other. In just a few days they filled up the books, so we got some more in time for a long road-trip they'll be taking soon.

We only "do school" three days a week, and this is their checklist. They practice piano and taekwondo every day, but three days a week they have a single sheet of math, handwriting, and cursive to do. They are free to do their work whenever they want, as long as it's done before dinnertime (around 5:30). Tommy is the first to wake up and he generally chooses to do it during breakfast. He's done with his work by 8am! Ben wakes up much later, usually after Tommy has already finished his schoolwork, his breakfast, and his chores. But when he finally does sit down to do his work, he likes to work several days ahead so he can get more days off later. 

For history we listen to Story of the World audio CD when we're in the car and sometimes during meals at home. These books below is what I'll be reading aloud for US history. The books are from the Beautiful Feet Early American History Read-Aloud list, with some extra biographies added in based on what I know the boys will be interested in.

Check out their previous first days:

(2nd grade + K)

(1st grade + Pre-K)


Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Our Month of August

If last month was all about dominoes and swim lessons, this month was all about baking and playing Monopoly. Tommy baked something nearly every day (and sometimes two or three times a day!) His 9 and 7 year old cousins are also baking a lot, and have started to give each other baking lessons. So far there have been two lessons. One day the boys went over to their cousins' house to learn how to make fudge, and another day the girls came to our house to learn how to make pretzels. 

We went to the San Francisco Zoo for our foster baby's 1st birthday. 

One of the many games of Monopoly played this month. 

We all venture to downtown San Jose once a week for our foster baby's visits with her bio-mom. We usually have lunch at Panera and then find a nearby park to play at. This time we found a giant Monopoly board at the park right next to The Children's Discovery Museum. The kids had a lot of fun pretending to be the pieces and moving around the board. 

Tommy got interested in RC cars this month and decided he wanted to get one. Our family rule is that if kids want toys, they have to earn the money to pay for them. He washed both our cars, vacuumed a few rooms, folded his baby sisters' laundry, did ironing, cleaned bathrooms, and lots of other chores around the house to earn the $30 to buy this car. 

Ben also earned a bit of money to buy this RC car. By some slick business dealing, he bought this car from Tommy for only $5. 

Reading time with little sister

Evening family walk. 

Other things we did that aren't pictured:
- Listened to Story of the World and some other audio books during our car trips
- Played lots of board and card games together
- Legos
- The boys found a renewed interest in drawing, and stayed up late many nights drawing pictures of King Kong and other creatures
- Playdates with friends
- Piano lessons
- Taekwondo lessons
- Read-alouds: Pinocchio, Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, The Child's Story Bible