Monday, June 9, 2014

Week of June 2

Watched Mythbusters with Tommy in the morning. 
Lots of outside play.

Tommy and Ben got interested in domino toppling, so we watched several YouTube videos about it. We also learned about stick bombs, so we watched a few videos and tried to figure out how to make them ourselves. 
Math review worksheet.
Bide ride in the afternoon.
Watched Mythbusters with Tommy. 
More domino rallies. 
Piano lessons. 
Sidewalk chalk drawing with Ben. 
Lots of outside play.

Point Reyes!

Monday, June 2, 2014

Week of May 26 + Weekend

 Went to Point Lobos and explored tide pools. Did a lot of hiking and saw parts of Point Lobos we've never been to before.
Tommy was brave and let a tiny crab crawl on his hand. Mark caught a large crab and Tommy handled that as well.

Memorial Day. Went to our church BBQ and the boys played with their friends.
In the evening we had a picnic with family and the boys played with their cousins.

Playdate with a little friend for Lucy at my house 
Tommy made fortune cookies (he mixed the ingredients and I formed them). 
We listened to Story of the World during lunchtime, about mummies and King Tut. After lunch we watched a documentary about mummies on Netflix.
Went for a walk around town.
Tommy asked to make bread, so we mixed the dough. Will bake tomorrow.

Tommy baked 4 loaves of bread, mostly on his own.
Piano lessons.
 First day of Taekwondo, which the boys absolutely loved. (Tommy has been asking to take martial arts for over a year now). They are counting down the day until they can go back.
I went to the library with Lucy to pick out books for the boys. I found several comic book-style books, called Toon Books, that Ben likes, and lots of science books for Tommy. They must have liked what I got, because for the rest of the week I would find them huddled over one of their new books.
Went to an end-of-schooyear party at a friend's house.
Finished our Thomas Edison biography. The boys are very interested in learning more about his inventions, so we are going to look up some YouTube videos to find out more.

Watched Mythbusters with Tommy, an episode involving car subwoofers (and shotguns, but that's not relevant...) He became very interested in how subwoofers work, so we watched a few YouTube videos about that.
Impromptu summer party at our house with some homeschool friends. Lots of water balloon fights, slip 'n slide, bubbles, and popsicles.
Found the boys reading books on their own a lot today!