Sunday, July 20, 2014

Our Month of June

Life got crazy this month because we got a new foster baby. We knew for a few weeks that we were picking her up near the end of the month, so we got all of our traveling out of the way beforehand. 

The boys got interested in Harry Potter towards the beginning of summer, so Mark has been reading that to them every night. They've read through the first two books and just recently started the third book. They are loving it!

We spent a weekend at Point Reyes:

We visited this Adventure Playground in Berkeley:

Lucy is chillin' in the bay while her brothers were at the playground

Mark and I spent four days in Monterey for our 10th anniversary. Our actual anniversary isn't until August, but that's okay. :)

Our new baby!

Piano practicing

Swim lessons

Tommy built this cool structure during quiet time one day:

The month of June was a complete blur, and July was pretty much the same way.